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Name: Echo
Lifestage: Young Adult
Species: Classic European

Element: Spirit

Family: TBA
Occupation: Companion 

Location:The Nest

Caretaker: Maddie

Likes: Reading, Snuggling Furry Animals, Making Lists, Traveling, and Positive Energy
Dislikes: Researching, Pickles, Stubborn Stains, and Negative Energy

Echo is a companion dragon. Her lifestye is signficantly different than her fellow dragons. She lives in the company of her caretaker Maddie as a friend and supporter.


While most dragons choose to live with their own kind, Echo and othe companion dragons choose a person to attach themselves to. After a dragon has picked a companion they will forever stay by their side.  


Echo was not one of the first hatchling's that Maddie brought into the world, but she was the first to claim her. While a companion dragon might get jealous of another dragon choosing to remain with the same caretaker as a companion, it is not unheard of. 


Echo herself has one sibling thus far, though there are a few eggs that she still hopes might hatch. Her sister, affectionately nicknamed Monster, is a solitary dragon who chooses to avoid being anywhere near the public eye. Echo has a similar disposition in her tendency to hide from the spotlight, but she still enjoys the company of her companion and her fellow dragons. 


With her introvert personality she spends a great deal of time reading and snuggling with furry animals. She enjoys quiet afternoons with her close friends and her books but also enjoys going out and trying new things.


She always tries a pickle when one is provided by the establishment with which she is dining, despite her dislike for pickles.  She maintains that some day she will find a pickle she likes. 


She thinks that disliking something strongly only invites negative energy into one's life, so she tries to overcome her dislikes for anyone or anything. 

Echo's Life

Interview with a Dragon

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