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Lifestage: Young Adult
Species: Oriental Longhair

Element: Water

Family: Unknown
Occupation: Gathering Sea-plants

Location:The Nest

Caretaker: Maddie

Likes:The Sound of Ocean Waves Over Rocks, Sushi, Strong Hairbrushes, Swimming Competitions
Dislikes: Nosy Dragons, Being Underground, Litter and Pollution,


Rainbowfish was named for her colorful hair and her ability to swim before she could walk. When she was a tiny little dragon her hair was so long compared to her skinny frame that it could be used for camouflage. This lead to the nickname Seaweed, as she ran around with her hair soaking wet and flopping around like a bundle of seaweed being tossed by a current. 


Her egg was found by Wren during one of the red dragon's first outings. Unfortunately for Rainbowfish her parents were never found, so her origins remain a mystery. Sometimes she likes to make up stories about her parents. Sometimes when she imagines they are forbidden lovers who wanted to keep her but couldn't, sometimes they were super-spies who hid her for her own safety and then got lost on a mission, sometimes she has siblings in these fantasies, sometimes her family is still looking for her, someimes she thinks she must have been a bad egg. 


As it stands she was raised by no one in particular and everyone at once.

The old adage 'it takes a village' was quite literal in her case.


Aquatic inclined dragons tend to be a little bit quieter than some other dragons due to spending large amounts of time underwater. They are not bad communicaters, they just tend to be more likely to talk when there is something important to say. 


On this point Rainbowfish might be a bit of an exception. While she is by no means a chatterbox, she does enjoy conversing with other dragons on a regular basis. This could be because she was raised by a multitue of different personalities and elementals. 


Fishie mostly spends her days exploring underwater caves and reefs in search of new plants that might be used for medical or other purposes. Though admittedly she does spend a great deal of time exploring for her own enjoyment. While she does take her job seriously, she is still a young dragon, and has a penchant for getting distracted.

Interview with a Dragon

Rainbowfish's Life

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